Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feb 28, 2009 LeftHand Reservoir

Up around 7:30. David and Andrea already up. I slept well. When I started, I thought I was going to freeze—the sheets were cold. After 5 minutes, I warmed up and slept warm and well the full night. David and Andrea worked on breakfast. Waffles it is—and good tasting. David worked around the kitchen—I played the lazy sloth. We got going about 10.

It is off to Waldorf--the scene of one of my many demises. But we are off to have fun! We arrived around 11:30. An occasional breeze with a temperature of 35. Much improved from yesterday.

The snow was similar to yesterday’s snow-packed powder. But I was huffing and puffing a lot more today. We started at 10,000 feet. So I would stop on some up hills to catch my breath. But I was doing well. Several spots on the road had wide stretches of bare dirt and rock.

We had a snack by a bridge. It was a good breaking point-allowing each of us to catch our breath. Steven’s boots is still bothering him, but not as much. He was able to take pressure off his legs—feeling much better.

Onward we go, it gets a bit still—more huffing and puffing—you get the idea. Around 1:00pm, we got to a large flat logging place and have lunch. Andrea and David practice their balancing act. Then it’s onward and upwards.

Much more dirt is showing through now. So far the last third or a mile we take off from the road. This is basically the same route as two years ago. The wind is picking up as we leave the shelter of the road gully. David digs a snow pit and gives us a little idea what to look for in the real of avalanches.

We make LeftHand Reservoir around 3:30. We do a few clear slope runs down the earthen dam face, practicing wide S Shaped turns—some of us succeeding! Then we turn around and start back around 3:45. Its nice having the wind behind you, pushing you, particularly close to the reservoir.

We manage to mostly miss the dirt, grovel and rock. I have one spill at the top when we were going off road. Got into a little gully, slid backwards and fell. But that was the worst of it. We made pretty good time. Snow was just starting to get hard again. So at least I can control my ski’s. Made it back to the car by 5:00pm.

We went to Bloomfield and had a Buca dinner. Garlic bread, Green Salad with { Cheese, garlic potato’s, and of course, Chicken Marsella. We ate well, enjoyed the company—which was good because the restaurant was busy, service slow. We were content.

Back home around 8. Looked at our pictures. We are a pretty lethargic group. Off to bed around 10:30.

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